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Rhiannon Oliver

Pitch Preparation

The date for my pitch has crept up, and it feels like everything has ramped up a gear. I’ve continued to research the topic to make sure I have a good understanding of what I’m talking about and finally have some interviews lined up. Another contact I emailed recommended I speak to Elna Johnsen, but gave me a different email address. I tried this new email address and she replied saying she would be willing to do it. I’ve also got a confirmed interview with Yngve Nedrebø of the Regional State Archives, the archives hold some records from the period so these will be good to talk through.

I’ve also begun to speak to lecturers about taking kit abroad. Before I leave I need to arrange for insurance and how I am actually going to carry the kit with me. At the moment I am planning on using the AC90 kit and the tie mic clips, but I’m prioritizing my pitch before I get too carried away with technicalities.

I was absolutely devastated to find out a documentary had been released earlier this week which focuses on the story of the Lebensbørn children. Especially so close to my pitch date. After the initial panic, I gathered myself back together and began to list potential niches for my documentary. At the moment, I’m considering linking the piece to war children today- more specifically I.S. war children.

My target publication platform is BB3 short docs. The broadcasting platform recently moved from TV to online and I have looked through some of their shorts and think mine would fit in well. I have also created hand-outs and written up a script, and will be armed with my folder of notes.

Pitch Preparation notes
Pitch Preparation notes

Hand-out for pitch
Hand-out for pitch

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